“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
“You affect the world by what you browse.”
Tim Berners-Lee
“The purpose of technology is not to confuse the brain but to serve the body.”
William S. Burroughs
Adapun cakupan wilayah services meliputi :
- Instalasi listrik (pabrik – Hotel – Rumah – Ruko – dll)
- Jasa tambah daya (penyambungan lama/baru)
- Pengurusan SLO (Sertifikat Laik Operasi) TR-TM
- Repair, Rewinding, Recondition : (Electromotor-Generator-Transformer-Cubicle)
- Contract services
- Genset (Overhoul / spare-part)
- Trafo (Filter/Ganti Oli)
- Cubicle (Cleaning-Maintenance)
- Panel Listrik (MDP-ATS-AMF- Capacitor Bank, dll)
- Penangkal Petir Radius Elektrostatis
- AC/DC/Servo Motor
- Ass Build Drawing/Single line diagram
- Inverter
- Modul-modul elctronic
- Power Factor Regulator
- dll.